A small selection of photos from a series of negatives and contact prints taken by some young Chicagoans in the late 30s/early 40s. Click here to see them all.
They Shoot Horses Don’t They?
It’s 1933- the Depression grips the country but in the dancehalls south of Boston are filled with music and dancing. Marathon dancing. For your viewing pleasure: a small album documenting some of the dancers who competed in some Massachusetts walkathons in 1933/34. Most interesting (to me anyway) were the handbills that I found tucked inside which I’ve scanned for your viewing pleasure. I’ve amended it with a few other dance marathon photos from my collection. Enjoy.
The Many Moods of Marvin Mischnick
Last year I posted a series of photos documenting the meeting of Marvin Mischnick and his future wife Mildena, their courtship, and some of the places they made “passionate, married, love.” Well now I’ve finally gotten around to scanning some more of Marvin’s photos. Most of these photos were taken between 1938 and 1942 when Marvin was in his late teens and early 20s. He later became a studio photographer and his love for photography is very evident. He also occasioned one of the best obituaries I’ve ever read so when you’re done with the photos head over here and check it out. You can see all the photos here. WARNING: Nudes ahead!!
Happy Labor Day!
For your Labor Day pleasure: a selection of occupational (and I use that term broadly) real photo postcards from my collection. Click here to see them all!