When Meat was Cheap and Other Stories by Mary Clarke

In honor of National Poetry Month I thought I’d post a selection of captioned photos taken from two albums put together by Mary Clarke of Lowville, NY in the 1910’s/20s. The photos are fairly ordinary but her captions are fantastic- you get the usual puns, some limericks, and a bunch of the most enigmatic captions I’ve ever seen. Click here to see them all.

How I Spent the War (or Memories of My Melancholy Whores)

WWII wasn’t all D-Day and Guadalcanal. These photos were taken from an album of a soldier who spent the war stationed in Venezuela and Antigua and he and his buddies seemed to have spent most of their time drinking and literally whoring around. I should note that I don’t know if all of these women were prostitutes but given the effect of the war on what was already a pretty bleak third-world economy (food shortages, inflation, etc…) you could hardly blame them if they were. See the full gallery here.